The name of this organization shall be the Palm Springs Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, Inc., hereafter referred to as the Branch.
The object of the Palm Springs Branch is to educate and network, and conduct, promote and encourage creative and educational activities in Art, Letters and Music. Scholarship(s), award(s), and/or achievement certificates(s) in the field of Art, Letters or Music will be given either annually or bi-annually depending on funds to worthy student(s) chosen from Coachella Valley schools if, in the opinion of a pre-selected or appointed committee, there is someone worthy of such a distinction.
This Branch is a nonprofit public benefit organization and is not organized for the gain of any person. No substantial part of the activities of this Branch shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Branch shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 1 Types of Membership
A. The membership of this Branch shall consist of Active, Associate, International Affiliate, Branch Honorary, and National Life members as designated in the National Bylaws.
B. In addition to the types of membership designated by the League bylaws, the Palm Springs Branch designates a Provisional Membership that may be acquired by a woman who is working towards the qualifications of an Active or Associate member. A provisional member is a member of the Branch only and not a National or State member.
Section 2 Qualification for Membership
A. The Palm Springs Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. shall be composed of professional women under the classification of Letters, Art, and Music. Qualifications for membership shall be governed entirely by National Bylaw Article III, Sections 1 and 2.
Section 3 Annual Dues, Processing Fees and Fiscal Year
A. Annual dues, processing fees and fiscal year shall be governed by National Bylaw Article III, Section 3.
B. Branch dues for Active, Associate, and Lifetime members are twenty dollars ($20) plus five dollars ($5) state association dues for a total of twenty five dollars ($25). Provisional member pay thirty five dollars ($35). All dues are to be paid to the Branch treasurer prior to May 1.
Section 1 Elected Officers
The elected officers (Branch Officers) of this Branch shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian who shall be elected by mail ballot.
Section 2 Nominations
A. Nominees for the offices of Branch President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall have been Active members in good standing (dues current and no disciplinary charges pending) for the past one (1) year. Nominees for all other officers shall be members, of any type (Active, Associate, International Affiliate, Membership-at-Large, Honorary, or National Life) in good standing (dues current and no disciplinary charges pending) for three months.
B. Nominating Committee of three members shall be appointed by the Branch Officers two months prior to the day of election (in the Biennial year). To this committee shall be submitted names of candidates for office. All such names are to be presented to the members on the date of election. Nominations may be made from the floor following the report of the Nominating Committee. No person shall be nominated unless she has consented to serve if elected.
Section 3 Elections
A. Election shall be by ballot in even numbered years, and the candidate receiving a majority of the votes shall be declared elected for a period of two years. In case of a tie, another ballot shall be taken. If there is but one candidate for the office, the election may be via vote. Voting shall be done by mailing or hand delivering ballots to all members. Members shall return ballots to the Nomination Committee for counting.
B. Election of the Branch Officers shall be held at the March meeting of the Branch, in even numbered (Biennial Convention) years. Installation of Officers shall take place following the election, at either the April or May meeting. Officers shall assume their duties immediately after installation.
Section 4 Term and Vacancies
A. Branch terms and vacancies shall be governed by National Bylaw Article V, Section 4.
B. If an officer misses three general meetings in a row without a satisfactory excuse, or does not fulfill assigned responsibilities, she may be relieved of office by a 2/3 vote of the Branch Officers.
Section 5 Duties of Officers
A. President — This officer, or in her absence, a Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Branch and the Branch Officers. The President and the Treasurer shall countersign all contracts, bills and obligations of the Branch, which have been approved by the Branch Officers. The President shall appoint such chairpersons of committees as are subject to approval by the Branch Officers. She shall be a member ex-officio of all standing committees except the Nomination Committee. By virtue of her office, she serves as delegate to the Biennial Convention and the Mid-Administration Congress. She shall preserve the Branch records and the Branch Charter.
B. First Vice President — This officer shall be chairperson of the Program Committee, in charge of scheduling all yearly programs. Her duty is to provide programs for all of the regular meetings of the Branch.
C. Second Vice President — This officer shall be in charge of maintaining and growing the membership. The Second Vice President will maintain a correct and current list of all members with their contact information. In the event this position is excluded by quorum of the membership, these duties will revert to the First Vice President.
Third Vice President — This officer shall be in charge of the website ( She may assign members at large to voluntarily write articles for the website, but all editing of the web content shall be managed by the Third Vice President. In the event this position is excluded by quorum of the membership, these duties will revert to the Second Vice President, then the First Vice President, in order. She shall send any information she deems of importance to the editor of The Pen Woman magazine at the national level.
E. Recording Secretary — This officer shall be responsible for taking minutes at each Branch Officer’s meeting and as needed at general meetings of the Branch that require a vote of membership. She will keep in her possession a readable and neat copy of all the minutes and electronically distribute the minute’s document to all Branch Officers within two weeks of each meeting.
F. Correspondence Secretary — This officer shall conduct the official correspondence of the Branch. She shall keep and file copies of all correspondence, report all correspondence to the president, and perform other duties assigned by the president. She shall notify members of the election to office or appointment to committees. She will also send birthday, get well, or sympathy cards to members.
G. Treasurer – This officer shall have charge of all checking and saving funds of the Palm Springs Branch. She shall keep an accurate account of moneys received and expended after authorization of the Branch Officers or authorized by the League bylaws. In her office, she serves as a delegate to the Biennial Convention and the Mid-Administration Congress.
H.Historian — This officer shall preserve copies of press notices, programs, and other printed or electronic matter pertaining to activities of the Branch. Photos and other information pertaining to branch activities shall be posted on the branch Facebook page ( A short history (record) of each biennium shall be written for local and national preservation. The branch records are to be sent, at the close of each biennium, to the National Historian. H.
Section 6 Duties of Special Chairpersons
These chairpersons and others deemed needed by the President to carry out special functions are non-voting members of the Branch Officers. These chairpersons are appointed by the president and approved by the Branch Officers.
A. Parliamentarian – This chairperson shall be the authority for the conduct of the meetings for the Branch Officers and the business meetings of the Branch. She shall be chairman of the Standing Rules Revision Committee. If the Branch does not have a Parliamentarian, these duties shall revert to the First Vice President.
B. Publicity Chair — This chairperson shall send reports of all meetings and announcements to the newspapers and other publications of all activities of the Branch. If the Branch does not have a Publicity Chair, these duties shall revert to the First Vice President.
C. Scholarship Chair – This chairperson shall coordinate the scholarship program, lead fund raising for scholarships, and present scholarships to deserving recipients.
D. Hospitality/Reservations Chair – This chairperson shall schedule the luncheons, select menus, and take reservations via phone or e-mail.
E. Any other special chairpersons deemed necessary.
Section 1 Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Palm Springs Branch shall be from October through May. In the months of October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May, the meeting shall be held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 11:30, unless a change is necessitated. The Branch Officers may request additional meetings for Exhibits or Fellowship.
Section 2 Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Branch may be called by the President or Vice Presidents, upon written request of a quorum of members in good standing.
Section 3 Quorum
A quorum of the voting members shall be defined as 50% + one for the transaction of business at a regular or special meeting of the Palm Springs Branch. Five (5) members of the Branch Officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a Branch Officers meeting.
Section 4 Rules of Governance
In cases not provided for in the National Bylaws or these Standing Rules of Governance of the Palm Springs Branch, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Branch.
Section 1 Property
The property of this Branch is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or private person.
Section 2 Fiscal year
The fiscal year of this Branch shall be from May first to April thirtieth each year.
Section 3 Financial Obligation
The outgoing Branch Officers must leave in the Branch Treasury a sum at least equal to all unpaid bills and other obligations. Should Branch expenditures threaten to exceed income, additional monies shall be raised in accordance with the wishes of the majority.
Section 4 Fund Raising
Additional monies may also be raised at any time for addition to the scholarship funds, etc. The wishes of the majority shall prevail as to the venture utilized.
Section 5 Expenditures
Past President’s (Branch) pins, with bar shall be paid for out of the Branch treasury as will stationery and stamps used for Branch business. Luncheon or dinner for guest speakers will be paid from the Branch treasury, when necessary.
Section 6 Dissolution
Upon the dissolution or winding up of the Palm Springs Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of the Branch shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or organization which is operated exclusively for social welfare purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under IRC Section 501 (c) (4).
The above Standing Rules for the Governance of the Palm Springs Branch, NLAPW, was adopted by the membership on October 17, 2006.
Changes added to comply with California State rules for nonprofit organizations were approved and adopted by the Branch board of officers on August 30, 2012.
Changes made to the duties of the Third Vice-president and Historian to reflect the updated technology and means of communication were approved and adopted by the board of officers on December 16, 2014.
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